- 月薪40000~300000元
- 工作經歷不拘
公司名稱:工作地: 桃園市桃園區聯發創業投資有限公司
工作內容:透過電話開發: 1.推廣主力金融服務項目,拓展市場,以達成業績目標。 2.定期拜訪經銷客戶,維繫穩定客戶關係。 3.定期電話訪談維繫上述已開發對象。 4.基本底薪40000起+每月業績獎金無上限 –––––––––––- 資深同仁會指導新進人員,協助完成案件成交。 -
- 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上)
- 8年工作經驗
公司名稱:工作地: 新竹縣竹北市一銀租賃股份有限公司
工作內容:(汽機車租賃組/飛機船舶組/專案計畫組) 1. 專案企業客戶名單蒐集 2. 電話推廣有潛力客戶 3. 拜訪客戶,確認其需求 4. 提出客製化解決方案 5. 業審溝通共同評估風險與達成業績目標 6. 維繫客我關係,提供高品質的服務 -
- 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上)
- 5年工作經驗
工作內容:1.全行性營運管理 (如.經委會議事/商品審議/自行查核管理) 2.重大業務整合協調/重大專案執行(如:公平待客原則政策推動與自評/全行業務合作推動/共同行銷業務管理等) -
- 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上)
- 2年工作經驗
工作內容:1.國內外ESG趨勢議題關注分析 2.參與編製永續報告書及揭露永續實績 3.參與或協助國內外永續相關獎項報獎 4.規劃統籌永續金融評鑑作業 5.永續相關專案及重要工作規劃與管理 -
- 年薪1000000~1700000元
- 工作經歷不拘
公司名稱: 鏈科股份有限公司工作地: 台北市南港區工作內容:About Want to build a worldwide brand from Taiwan, and to communicate our brand story to millions of users worldwide? Want to be based in Taiwan but work in a silicon-valley-like environment, and to build world-class brand and products? Want to participate in the global fintech and blockchain movement, and work at an English-speaking workplace? Come change the world with us! Join this fast-growing startup founded by software veterans and funded by top VCs, Skype co-founders, and the Taiwanese government (NDF)! We’re hiring for an experienced Director of Investor Relations. The exact mix of other skills does not matter, so long as your tool chest includes a mix of abilities. Be willing to attack anything that comes your way, learn on the fly and get things done. Come talk to us if you want to push your skillset in a dynamic fast-paced environment. Responsibilities - Research investment landscape and identify active VC funds in our industry - Provide insights on market activity –– who‘s invested into whom, where; who lead and who followed - Participate in the preparation of quarterly earnings updates, as well as in their presentations to investors - Help coordinate board meetings and investor updates - Develop investor confidence and belief in the company’s vision and strategy for delivering shareholder value - Create and manage a strong reputation by demonstrating consistent and clear communication between internal and external parties and investor relationships Requirements - Excellent communication and interpersonal skills - 5+ years experience in investor relations - Understanding of startup (early-stage) funding - Very good command of English - Superb written and verbal communication skills; ability to draft engaging and impactful messages Location: Taipei About XREX Culture -We will proceed your application first if you apply online: -
- 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上)
- 3年工作經驗
公司名稱: 中租迪和股份有限公司工作地: 台北市內湖區工作內容:法催MA成為降低風險重要的支柱 『be the MAster of your life』 中租亞太儲備主管計畫擁有12年經驗,讓有志者能站在租賃第一品牌的肩膀看天下, 中租已準備好舞台讓您發揮。 ▲特色與福利 保證派外:完成歷練後,擁有明確的派外舞台 優勢年薪:採客製化薪酬,具競爭力薪資福利 跨單位專業訓練:電法催、法管規單位階段式培訓,專為MA設計之管理訓與語言培訓等 矩陣式組織團隊:在海外不用擔心隻身一人,母公司成為你最強後盾,共同完成海外任務 ▲您將會執行以下業務 1.獨立完成電催流程、並解決客戶疑問 2.執行車貸延滯催收活動、民刑事訴訟、強制執行標的物處理。 3.執行法務相關資料維護、提供法律諮詢與支援、能評估延滯案件損失。 4.解讀內部規範、資訊系統、績效報表,並提出方案 5.海外能了解當地法催現狀,分析其可改善地方及提出方案 ▲申請說明 我們歡迎具流利的英文表達能力(具 TOEIC 800 分以上或同等能力證明), 車輛/企金產品催收/法務經驗達3年以上相關經驗者加入 ▲【2025中租亞太MA】採取隨到隨審甄選方式,於2025農曆年後報到 ▲中租亞太MA主管儲備計畫介紹頁面 ▲收件截止時間: 2025/2/2 23:59止 -
- 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上)
- 4年工作經驗
公司名稱: 鴻海精密工業股份有限公司(鴻海)工作地: 新北市土城區工作內容:<About the job> As the Graph DB Engineer, you‘ll join the advanced 〝Graph AI Projects〝 as well as the development of intelligent applications via related AI and Big Data Analytics Technology for digital transformation. Graph technology is a rapidly growing area, so you will have plenty of opportunities to develop emerging applications based on different use cases and expand your tech skillset in this world-class company (Fortune Global 500, 22nd). <Job Description> Graph Database Engineer/ Developer(or Graph Database Expert): (1) Graph Data Structures .Implement the Graph DB related project to deploy the Graph DB (e.g. Neo4j, ArangoDB, Azure COSMOS, TigerGraph). .Execute the data pipeline processing, design the data architecture of Graph DB, including graph data modeling, graph schema development, graph data design for transactional (OLTP), and analytical (OLAP) workloads (2) Graph DB Application Development: .Co-work with Data Scientists and assist in developing analytical applications leveraging graph databases and graph-based analytics. <Skills> (1)Strong experience in Graph Databases like Neo4j, ArangoDB, Azure COSMOS, etc. (2)Familiar with Graph Query Languages, Open Graph APIs, SPARQL (or Gremlin or DQL or GSQL or CQL) (3)Understanding of NoSQL databases, Graph OLTP, and OLAP processes. (4)Hands-on expertise to model data in the form of graph nodes and vertices. (5)Familiar with Programming and scripting languages like Python/Nodejs/Java.