
  • Human Resources Secretary for SY2425

  • 企業名 台北美國學校
  • 工作地點 台北市士林區
  • 薪資 月薪40000~55000元
  • 工作內容 Job Summary: To provide high quality HR office administrative support covering general HR inquiries, personnel files and employee records maintenance, school-wide events and visitation programs and HR office daily routines to ensure Taipei American School HR operations are not interrupted or delayed by the failure of routine support systems. Key Responsibilities: HR Helpdesk Support - Provide effective HR helpdesk supports to all employees, including but not limited to taking and answering general HR service inquiries, meet and greet HR visitors. - Assist HR Officer – employee support with any ad hoc check-in/check-out administrative tasks and visa/ARC/work permit related questions as required. - Assist with the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) by handling initial inquiries and providing administrative support for database management and organization of relevant materials, ensuring timely updates according to the assigned timeline. HR Office Administrative Support - Provide HR office routine and administrative support including but not limited to daily HR inbox checking and distribution, HR office mailings and postal services, postal/parcel collection and distribution, HR office equipment/facilities vendor communication and service maintenance, administer HR Office petty cash and office supplies, manage stock for approved HR materials and forms in HR filing room to ensure all HR forms are most current and up-to-date and have sufficient copies for use at all times. - Assist with work permit, ARC application, ROC criminal record & eligible documentation preparation and actual submissions to the required government authorities and agencies. - Assist with employee annual contract renewal distribution and collection tasks per the agreed process and schedule. - Provide administrative support to Assistant HR Director as required. Personnel files and HR database management - HR personnel files (including physical file and digital file folders) are created upon hiring, and employee contract/confidential/employment materials (hard copies and digital copies) are filed in a timely manner and maintained secure and up-to-date to school policy standards. - Assist with the organization of HR filing rooms and act as key personnel to access HR personnel files/profiles based on approved requests. - Maintain and update HRM employee and dependent data as soon as the documentation/data are submitted to HR to ensure all employee data on HRM is - kept up to date and accurate that meet HR data audit requirement at all times. HR-hosted school-wide events and visitation programs -Plan, prepare end-of-year recognition list and organize programs, communicate and manage logistics, and supervise HR-hosted school-wide events to ensure the success of the event including but not limited to: error-free program and timely coordination and communication with the award recipients, presenters and participants a. awards, food and beverage orders are planned, prepared and submitted in a timely manner b. effective coordination with event presenters/performers to ensure required equipment and facilities are prepared, reserved and set-up per the agreed requirement & schedule c. effective coordination with Facilities department for facilities set-up/clean up before/after the event - Provide administrative & logistics support for HR visitation programs including the relevant ID card processes, New Teacher Orientation program and new faculty survey to ensure the required preparation are completed in a timely manner as per agreed requirements. Faculty and staff reimbursement requests - Process faculty and support staff annual physical reimbursement requests and other personnel expenses reimbursement requests. Other HR initiatives and projects as assigned by Assistant HR Director and HR Director
  • 台北美國學校-使用1111轉職專區 https://central1111.com.tw/turn/

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  • 門市儲備幹部(台北市士林區,北安門市,鄰近大直捷運站)★☆月薪35,000~42,000元起 加班另計☆★ 面試心得

  • 企業名 義美食品股份有限公司(總公司)
  • 工作地點 台北市士林區
  • 薪資 月薪35000~42000元
  • 工作內容 ※應徵正職者須經「3個月考核」。 ※指定地區門市區域津貼加給PLUS+! ※所屬門市業績達成時,另有業績獎金酬勞。 ※相關加給、津貼依公司規定發放,並依職等有所區別。 ★★★工作好所在,安心好厝邊!★★★ 義美門市擴大徵才囉! 沒有職場經驗?沒關係! 義美門市一定會是你最棒的職涯起點。 正職儲備幹部 月薪35,000~42,000元。(固定或變動薪資因個人資歷或績效而異) 配合公司教育培訓12~18個月,即可挑戰門市主管職務。 挑戰店長絕對少不了你!(*´∀`)~♥ 年薪上看60萬以上,等你來挑戰!ξ( ✿>◡❛) ~~找一個離家近的工作,一起實現自我吧!~~ ※歡迎親洽各門市店長應徵!! 我們希望你能夠... ◎自信介紹最安心的義美食品,讓顧客吃的放心、用的安心! ◎櫃台收銀一把照! ◎讓環境一絲不苟、一塵不染,優良的商品需要最棒的陳列環境! ◎讓來店顧客感受到購物的樂趣與溫暖吧!感動服務小天使就是你! ◎富有同理心,為顧客解決困擾,讓顧客的回饋成為公司成長的動能! ◎期待職場前景更上一層樓?拿出不怕挑戰的態度,讓我們為你鋪路! ~~門市營業、後勤行政、總部管理,只要你有勇氣,歡迎來挑戰! [工作內容] *門市商品介紹及銷售結帳包裝。 *提供顧客之接待與需求服務 (如:電話諮詢、調貨、包裝及退換貨處理)。 *商品進貨、補貨、入庫、商品陳列排面整理、銷售管理及庫存管理。 *維持門市週遭之環境整潔。 [工作性質] *無經驗可,可配合輪調者佳。 *須配合輪班。
  • 義美食品股份有限公司(總公司)-使用1111轉職專區 https://central1111.com.tw/turn/

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  • 【總公司】營業開發處 儲備幹部
  • 企業名 新竹物流股份有限公司
  • 工作地點 台北市士林區
  • 薪資 月薪40000~55000元
  • 工作內容 1. 規劃主要客戶(key account)物流方案,以及未來商品建議 2. 既有合約客戶關係維護與需求開發 3. 物流業市場資訊之蒐集與彙整 4. 營運行銷策略、產業資料分析、調查 5. 專案規劃、跨部溝通與執行 6. 本職缺預計定位專員或以上幹部
  • 新竹物流股份有限公司-使用1111轉職專區 https://central1111.com.tw/turn/

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  • Food Handler -Serving Line Worker 餐廳部員工 (Part-Time)

  • 企業名 台北美國學校
  • 工作地點 台北市士林區
  • 薪資 時薪222元
  • 工作內容 Job Summary: Assist with salad bar and serving line to ensure the quality of the service and smooth operation. 協助餐廳沙拉蔬食區及供餐線工作以確保餐廳部之服務品質及運作 Key Responsibilities: Complete kitchen work as per the instructions of our chefs and FSD management. 完成餐廳廚師們與主管們指派的廚房相關工作 Set up serving line and salad bar for opening; break down serving line and salad bar for closing. 餐廳沙拉蔬食區及餐廳供餐線之開關店營運準備工作 Assemble and deliver lunch boxes 協助學校中餐餐盒包裝與遞送 Prepare and replenish salad bar items 餐廳沙拉蔬食區之食材備料與補貨 Collect used cafeteria trays and utensils 整理收回餐廳使用的餐盤及餐具 Clean the serving line and kitchen food prep areas. 清理餐廳供餐線及食材準備區的整齊清潔 Help in the kitchen wherever needed 支援餐廳其他人員及區域之工作 Qualifications: At least one years of restaurant experience; High School Graduate 具備一年以上之餐飲工作經驗;高中職畢 Ability to speak and understand basic English will be a plus 如具備基本英語聽說讀能力者優先考量 Knowledge and concept of sanitation 具備餐飲衛生之相關知識 Attention to detail, especially food quality & sanitation 能謹慎小心以確保食材及食物品質及衛生 Hardworking, flexible, fast and accurate in completing designated work 能準確有效地完成指派之工作項目及內容 Friendly, patient and have a good rapport with customers 良好工作態度並能維持良好顧客關係 一年工作十個月
  • 台北美國學校-使用1111轉職專區 https://central1111.com.tw/turn/

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  • Food Handler -Baker Assistant 西點餐廚助手

  • 企業名 台北美國學校
  • 工作地點 台北市士林區
  • 薪資 月薪31000~37000元
  • 工作內容 Job Summary: Assist head baker in food preparation, washing utensils and in any other areas where help is needed. 協助西點師傅進行食材準備、餐盤容器清洗及其他事務協助 Key Responsibilities: - Assist bakers with baked good prep work 協助西點師傅進行烘焙食材準備 - Assist in baker in preparing catering orders; ensure orders are processed in an accurate manner 協助西點師傅準備訂單並確保訂單能夠準確完成 - Assist with cleaning designated areas and utensils 協助指定區域及餐盤容器之清潔 - Help wherever needed 支援餐廳其他人員及區域之工作 Qualifications: - At least two year of kitchen experience; High School Graduate 具備至少二年以上之餐飲工作經驗;高中職畢 - Mandarin fluency. Fluency in Taiwanese would be helpful. 流利中文,並具備臺語溝通能力為佳 - Class C Technician Certificate for Baking 具丙級烘焙西點蛋糕證照 - Knowledgeable in sanitation 具備餐飲衛生之相關知識 - Ability to stand for long periods of time 可接受長時間站立 - Hardworking, ability to lift heavy objects when necessary 能準確有效完成工作並能配合搬運重物 - Attention to detail, especially catering order content, order quality, food safety, food quality & sanitation 能謹慎小心以確保訂單內容之正確性、食物之品質及衛生
  • 台北美國學校-使用1111轉職專區 https://central1111.com.tw/turn/

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  • Food Handler – Pizza Bar 餐廳部披薩區員工 (part-time)

  • 企業名 台北美國學校
  • 工作地點 台北市士林區
  • 薪資 月薪31000~37000元
  • 工作內容 Job Summary: Prepare food, maintain work area cleanliness, and serve customers to ensure our operation runs smoothly. 協助食物準備、維持工作環境清潔,並提供顧客服務以確保餐廳部之營運順利 Responsibilities: Provide assistance as per our chef’s or management’s instructions。 協助完成餐廳廚師們與主管們的指派工作 Serve food service customers to ensure operation runs smoothly。 提供顧客服務以確保餐廳部之服務品質及運作 Maintain workplace cleanliness to ensure a clean environment for our customers。 維持工作區域的整體環境清潔以確保提供顧客乾淨的環境 Prepare ample quantities of food to support strong sales。 準備足量的食物以支援良好的銷售 Help wherever needed。 支援餐廳其他人員及區域之工作 Requirements: High School graduate 高中畢業 Min. one year of pizza production experience 具備至少一年以上之比薩製作工作經驗 Beginner level of English, Mandarin fluency 流利中文,並具備基本英語能力 Class C Technician Certificate for Food Baking 具丙級烘焙西點蛋糕證照 Able to rotate shifts 能彈性配合工作時間輪調 Knowledge and concept of sanitation 具備餐飲衛生之相關知識 Attention to detail, especially food quality & sanitation 能謹慎小心以確保食材及食物品質及衛生 Hardworking, flexible, fast and accurate in completing designated work 能準確有效地完成指派之工作項目及內容 Able to stand for long periods of time 能夠長時間久站 一年工作十個月
  • 台北美國學校-使用1111轉職專區 https://central1111.com.tw/turn/

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  • 室內設計師

  • 企業名 驫陞工程設計有限公司
  • 工作地點 台北市士林區
  • 薪資 月薪31500~0元
  • 工作內容 1.配合屋主需求規劃空間,並協助添購裝修材料及家具產品設計等 2.與管線配置員討論將管線配置規劃進設計內 3.完成設計圖(平面圖、三視圖、立面圖、透視圖、管線圖等) 4.規劃相關機電與消防系統,使業主居住更便利、安全且合法 5.專案簡報、監督施工人員完成室內裝潢工程 6.成本估算與訪價
  • 驫陞工程設計有限公司-使用1111轉職專區 https://central1111.com.tw/turn/

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  • 行政美編
  • 企業名 笑嘻嘻休閒娛樂股份有限公司
  • 工作地點 台北市士林區
  • 薪資 月薪32000~45000元
  • 工作內容 工作效率高、學習能力強、抗壓性佳、處理事務迅速 工作內容: 一、對外窗口 1. 針對不同專案建立不同窗口進行溝通 2. 統整合作對象需求及本公司情況,進行合作 規劃 3. 美編、行銷及系統商溝通窗口 4. 活動、公關、製作物公司窗口 二、行銷活動 1. 經營FB粉專 2. 與專案團隊規劃行銷活動 3. 行銷短片拍攝 三、客服 1. 線上(LINE®、Email)及電話客服 2. 各類訂單整理、報表製作 3. 客訴處理及統整 4. VIP服務窗口 四、行政庶務及其他 1. 公司長官(主管)交代之事項、協會特助 2. 文件整理、會議紀錄 3. 系統及美編溝通窗口
  • 笑嘻嘻休閒娛樂股份有限公司-使用1111轉職專區 https://central1111.com.tw/turn/

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