
  • 護理師

  • 企業名 心慈診所籌備處
  • 工作地點 彰化縣埤頭鄉
  • 薪資 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上)40000~0元
  • 工作內容 照顧病患、提供一般健康檢查包括打針、協助服藥與衛生教育等護理臨床工作 教育大眾各種醫藥常識、提供病患家屬治療建議 記錄病患用藥記錄和各種病徵 批價掛號等醫院行政管理、協助醫生完成診斷和分析
  • 心慈診所籌備處-使用1111轉職專區 https://central1111.com.tw/turn/

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  • 藥師

  • 企業名 心慈診所籌備處
  • 工作地點 彰化縣埤頭鄉
  • 薪資 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上)40000~0元
  • 工作內容 1.醫師處方之調劑 2.藥物成分分析與鑑定 3.藥品管理 4.關心病人的用藥與病人溝通正確用藥知識
  • 心慈診所籌備處-使用1111轉職專區 https://central1111.com.tw/turn/

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  • 管理部經理(供膳宿)

  • 企業名 阿里山賓館股份有限公司
  • 工作地點 嘉義縣阿里山鄉
  • 薪資 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上)40000~0元
  • 工作內容 工作內容: 1.統合公司各項營業規定、行政規定。 2.嚴格並公正地執行和落實各項營業規範。 3.隨時掌握管理部內各單位(行政組、人資組、採購組、資訊組、總務組、安全室的行政運作狀況。若有異常,需回應並修正。 4.隨時站在法制運作的立場觀看公司的各項程序運作,使公司避免冒犯違法的風險。 5.必須保持行政中立與客觀的角度,以職業道德輔佐公司推動制度化運作。 6.嚴格要求管理部所屬的事務單位確實依照職責範圍完成工作。 7.編列管理部所屬各單位之預算 8.督導所屬單位制定部門制度及工作程序 9.人力資源、教育訓練規劃管理、人員之甄選、聘用與人力規劃及獎勵制度規劃 福利項目: 1.享勞、健保、團保、勞工退休金提撥 2.業績精進獎金、年終獎金 3.三節禮金 4.生日禮金 5.免費提供員工宿舍及三餐(本館) 6.月平均輪休9-10天 7.員工旅遊補助 8.員工年度體檢 9.年度尾牙抽獎 10.職工福利委員會各項福利 11.年度員工親友招待住宿(在職滿半年即可申請)
  • 阿里山賓館股份有限公司-使用1111轉職專區 https://central1111.com.tw/turn/

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  • 客房部協理(供膳宿)

  • 企業名 阿里山賓館股份有限公司
  • 工作地點 嘉義縣阿里山鄉
  • 薪資 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上)40000~0元
  • 工作內容 工作內容: 1. 具備櫃檯、房務之管理專業能力。 2. 督導及執行客房部所有單位規章制度及標準作業流程【S.O.P 】,提供顧客精緻的服務。 3. 協調部門人力及教育訓練管理。 4. 掌握住房情形及顧客來源,創造最大住房率及平均房價。 5. 負責處理危機事件及顧客抱怨案。 6. 預算編列並協助價格策略制定及控管行銷運作相關費用 7. OTA 策略操作;掌握房況,達成營收目標。 8. 協助並執行客房部所有單位維修與保養計劃。 9. 主動積極及抗壓性強 ※本職務需具任職客房部經理以上職務5年經歷※ 福利項目: 1.享勞、健保、團保、勞工退休金提撥 2.業績精進獎金、年終獎金 3.三節禮金 4.生日禮金 5.免費提供員工宿舍及三餐(本館) 6.月平均輪休9-10天 7.員工旅遊補助 8.員工年度體檢 9.年度尾牙抽獎 10.職工福利委員會各項福利 11.年度員工親友招待住宿(在職滿半年即可申請)
  • 阿里山賓館股份有限公司-使用1111轉職專區 https://central1111.com.tw/turn/

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  • Senior Marketing Specialist Grundfos (1 year contract)

  • 企業名 瑞士商格蘭富股份有限公司台灣分公司
  • 工作地點 台中市西區
  • 薪資 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上)40000~0元
  • 工作內容 What is the job about? An exciting opportunity has arisen within an established water technology company. We are seeking to appoint a creative and enthusiastic Marketing Specialist to join our friendly, inclusive, and highly inspirational team in Taichung, Taiwan. The primary responsibility is to support, and coordinate decided marketing activities to improve sales. The Senior Marketing Specialist will be responsible for local marketing activities in the cluster such as digital & written marketing content, customer events and fairs. The Senior Marketing Specialist will align plan annual local activities and coordinate with stakeholders in Industry APAC – Taiwan and other PU (Performance Units) to provide secure a professional and unified approach to protect the Grundfos brand. At its heart, it is a Marketing Specialist role is to develop the marketing activities and initiatives supporting the overall growth of Marketing and Sales Development within Asia pacific industry segment in the assigned area. Effectively collaborate within the Industry APAC Sales Team in achieving Industry APAC commercial targets by efficiently deploying conventional and digital marketing activities with optimizing impact. You will be able to work in a fast-paced environment, adhere to deadlines and are creative while being agile and responsive. You are interested in learning new high tools, trends, and processes in the Marketing World. You will work on multiple projects simultaneously in a highly collaborative and outcome-focused environment.
  • 瑞士商格蘭富股份有限公司台灣分公司-使用1111轉職專區 https://central1111.com.tw/turn/

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  • Head of Service and Solution, Grundfos Taiwan

  • 企業名 瑞士商格蘭富股份有限公司台灣分公司
  • 工作地點 苗栗縣銅鑼鄉
  • 薪資 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上)40000~0元
  • 工作內容 You will report to APAC Regional Service Delivery Director who is based in Bangkok. The Head of Service & Solution Taiwan has the functional responsibility for all service activities within the Country. Furthermore, she/he is responsible for the implementation of the strategic service objectives, procedures and policies, as agreed with the Regional Service Delivery Director and in alignment with Group Standards, Values and Code of Conduct. The Head of Service Delivery Taiwan works in close collaboration with the Regional Service Delivery Support function ensuring efficiency and added value for our customers. It is particularly important that the Head of Service Delivery Taiwan with support from H&S function is acting as a safety leader, nurturing a strong safety culture and ensuring that H&S is managed professionally throughout the Country in order to keep our people (and Partners) safe. Key Accountabilities / Responsibilities Objectives *Creates the detailed service strategy plan and operational roadmap for the Country, supporting the agreed Regional Service Delivery strategy. * Revises these plans to deliver the agreed short- and long-term results. * In alignment with Service Delivery Support functions, ensures that the Country deploys a customer-centric and efficient delivery model. Short-term plans and budgets  Responsible for short-term plans and budgets being created and delivered within the agreed organizational frames of reference.  Responsible for the Country Service Delivery Cap Cost Service  Responsible for delivering a first-class service to exceed the expectations of our customers while ensuring efficiency and added value.  Responsible for developing teams of highly-skilled service staff and Service Partners.  Builds a strong partnership with Sales and Service Sales PUs throughout the Country and facilitates collaboration between Sales and Service teams, operation and finance thus contributing to a positive customer experience.  Responsible for executing a price policy for service offerings and spare parts/kits in accordance with the requirements of the Sales and Service sales PUs.  Responsible for executing global processes and tools to ensure efficiency and add value for our customers.  Responsible for ensuring spare parts stock is kept to a minimum in the area of responsibility External relations  Responsible for maintaining strong relationships with customers, service partners, end-users, suppliers, local communities and other important relevant stakeholders in the area of responsibility.  Jointly responsible for overseeing/auditing ASP/SP workshop and service delivery Investments  Responsible for developing the investment roadmap to ensure the team meets its operational requirements, creates a world-class working environment and provides a market-leading service offering.  Investments are approved annually as part of the budget cycle and are to comply with the appropriate authorization guidelines and Group-related processes. Purchase  Whenever possible, all relevant purchasing decisions, e.g. Service vehicles, should rest with Group Purchasing. When this is not possible, purchasing decisions should conform with regional/local best practices in accordance with Group Purchasing policies/guidelines.
  • 瑞士商格蘭富股份有限公司台灣分公司-使用1111轉職專區 https://central1111.com.tw/turn/

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  • 軟體研發公司 營運經理

  • 企業名 博賢人力資源有限公司
  • 工作地點 台中市西屯區
  • 薪資 月薪40000~0元
  • 工作內容 1. 跨部門專案執行追蹤及溝通協調整合 2. 針對營運數據分析結果 3. 基本系統、產品問題初步排除 4. 研擬公司營運計劃及年度專案規劃並追蹤,達成公司設定年度目標 5. 針對項目發展方向,整合、協調各部門資源,建立制度並持續提升營運績效 6. 品牌KPI執行並督核各項營運績效管理
  • 博賢人力資源有限公司-使用1111轉職專區 https://central1111.com.tw/turn/

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  • 軟體研發工程師 數據工程師


  • 企業名 博賢人力資源有限公司
  • 工作地點 台中市西屯區
  • 薪資 月薪40000~0元
  • 工作內容 1.收集並處理內外部數據,創建清晰可用數據集,確保數據完整與正確性,以利分析使用; 2.監控數據質量與模型。 3.使用統計方法和數學建模,對數據進行分析,發現模式、趨勢和相關性。 4.創建可視化報表,以協助管理層利用與分析。
  • 博賢人力資源有限公司-使用1111轉職專區 https://central1111.com.tw/turn/

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