
  • Sales Engineer - Rubber

  • 企業名 Abatek(Asia) Public Company Limited
  • 工作地點 東南亞新加坡
  • 薪資 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上)0~0元
  • 工作內容 〝1. Minimum of 2-year sales working experience in Rubber 2. Understand the process, material involved and various application of rubber parts 3. Ability to read and understand basic Customers drawing and make recommendation 4. Good communication & interpersonal skill and presentation skill 5. Ability to expand new customers.〝
  • Abatek(Asia) Public Company Limited-使用1111轉職專區 https://central1111.com.tw/turn/

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  • Sales Engineer - Thermal Pad

  • 企業名 Abatek(Asia) Public Company Limited
  • 工作地點 東南亞新加坡
  • 薪資 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上)0~0元
  • 工作內容 〝1. Minimum of 2-year sales working experience in Thermal Pad 2. Understand the process, material, and various application of Thermal pad either silicone or non-silicone in automotive and non-automotive industry. 3. Able to make recommendation based on application to customer on what type of Thermal interphase materials are required and related specification. 4. Good communication & interpersonal skill and presentation skill 5. Ability to expand new customers.〝
  • Abatek(Asia) Public Company Limited-使用1111轉職專區 https://central1111.com.tw/turn/

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  • Sales Engineer - Zebra Connector

  • 企業名 Abatek(Asia) Public Company Limited
  • 工作地點 東南亞新加坡
  • 薪資 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上)0~0元
  • 工作內容 〝1. Minimum of 2-year sales working experience in Zebra Connector 2. Understand the process, materials involved and various application of silicone connectors. 3. Ability to read customers drawing and make recommendation 4. Good communication & interpersonal skill and presentation skill 5. Ability to expand new customers.〝
  • Abatek(Asia) Public Company Limited-使用1111轉職專區 https://central1111.com.tw/turn/

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  • Sales Engineer - Rubber

  • 企業名 Abatek(Asia) Public Company Limited
  • 工作地點 東南亞新加坡
  • 薪資 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上)0~0元
  • 工作內容 1. Minimum of 2-year sales working experience in Rubber 2. Understand the process, material involved and various application of rubber parts 3. Ability to read and understand basic Customers drawing and make recommendation 4. Good communication & interpersonal skill and presentation skill 5. Ability to expand new customers.
  • Abatek(Asia) Public Company Limited-使用1111轉職專區 https://central1111.com.tw/turn/

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  • Sales Engineer - Thermal Pad

  • 企業名 Abatek(Asia) Public Company Limited
  • 工作地點 東南亞新加坡
  • 薪資 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上)0~0元
  • 工作內容 1. Minimum of 2-year sales working experience in Thermal Pad 2. Understand the process, material, and various application of Thermal pad either silicone or non-silicone in automotive and non-automotive industry. 3. Able to make recommendation based on application to customer on what type of Thermal interphase materials are required and related specification. 4. Good communication & interpersonal skill and presentation skill 5. Ability to expand new customers.
  • Abatek(Asia) Public Company Limited-使用1111轉職專區 https://central1111.com.tw/turn/

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  • Technical Leader/Engineer - UV Keypad

  • 企業名 Abatek(Asia) Public Company Limited
  • 工作地點 東南亞新加坡
  • 薪資 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上)0~0元
  • 工作內容 〝1. Worked in a manufacturing industry for more than 5 years with engineering and manufacturing function or responsibilities. 2. Excellent knowledge of UV keypad production, quality, and technical requirements. 3. Knowledge in film printing, forming, trimming process using PET sheet to create decoration for automotive and non-automotive industry 4. Knowledge in Lean Manufacturing, Six Sigma, Kanban, IATF 16949, ISO 14001 and other statutory rules with respect to safety, environment and labor is an advantage. 5. Strong interpersonal, communication and leadership skills 6. Must be flexible and can work under pressure. Basic English Language Skills and Computer Literacy are required.〝
  • Abatek(Asia) Public Company Limited-使用1111轉職專區 https://central1111.com.tw/turn/

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  • Technical Leader/Engineer - Wearables

  • 企業名 Abatek(Asia) Public Company Limited
  • 工作地點 東南亞新加坡
  • 薪資 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上)0~0元
  • 工作內容 〝1. Worked in a manufacturing industry for atleast 3 years with engineering and manufacturing function or responsibilities. 2. Excellent knowledge of silicone wearables production, quality, and technical requirements. 3. Able to understand, set up, operate injection (LSR/ conventional) and compression machine. Hands on experience in process and machinery are required. 4. Knowledge in Lean Manufacturing, Six Sigma, Kanban, IATF 16949, ISO 14001 and other statutory rules with respect to safety, environment and labor is an advantage. 5. Must be flexible and can work under pressure.〝
  • Abatek(Asia) Public Company Limited-使用1111轉職專區 https://central1111.com.tw/turn/

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  • 鋼琴音樂老師 (工作地點:新加坡)

  • 企業名 Cristofori Music Pte Ltd
  • 工作地點 東南亞新加坡
  • 薪資 月薪61000~80000元
  • 工作內容 我們正在尋找對音樂教學有熱情的鋼琴老師加入我們的音樂學院! 工作內容: 1. 教授一對一鋼琴課程,幫助學生掌握音樂的知識和彈奏樂器的技巧 2. 預備每週教學計劃達到有效的學習目的如,栽培音樂興趣、提高音樂認知、參加音樂檢定、音樂演奏會、比賽等 3. 透過學校的教學方針,啟發學生對音樂的接觸與興趣 4. 其它如伴奏,音樂學習營等 5. 保持良好的溝通技巧,有責任感,活潑開朗 工作福利: • 具有競爭力的薪酬和福利待遇 • 良好的工作環境和教學設備 • 學校假期, 年假,病假等 • 提供免費樂器學習課程 • 參加團隊內部教學交流和討論,提升教學水平和助於職涯發展 請即刻發送您的履歷和相關證書到我們的招聘郵箱。我們期待著您的加入!
  • Cristofori Music Pte Ltd-使用1111轉職專區 https://central1111.com.tw/turn/

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  • 正職社區藥師-新加坡屈臣氏(海外工作機會) 面試心得

  • 企業名 台灣屈臣氏個人用品商店股份有限公司
  • 工作地點 東南亞新加坡
  • 薪資 月薪61000~80000元
  • 工作內容 ***相關福利*** *年度久任獎金最高可達8仟新幣 *一次性搬遷補助3仟新幣 *年薪13個月, 績效獎金, 業績獎金 1.專業職掌 •負責各種法規所要求註冊藥師的所有職責和責任 •正確調劑處方籤並在必要時介入 •透過線上回答問題協助遠端藥局服務 •向顧客開出適合的OTC及藥局專用的藥物 •建議安全及正確使用所有藥物 •提出有助於顧客福祉的建議 •遵守新加坡藥局理事會的道德準則 •遵守屈臣氏良好藥學實踐標準 •參加相關培訓和課程不斷提升自己的專業知識 •執行屈臣氏支援的國家醫療保健計劃 2.顧客服務管理 •用心服務客戶,確保滿足他們的需求 •建議顧客正確使用產品. •協助顧客下特殊訂單並確保在指定的時間內滿意地收到他們的訂單 •了解當前的廣告和促銷活動/並提出適當的建議 •管理顧客的投訴和不滿,必要時行使自由裁量權. •以身作則並成為卓越顧客服務的捍衛者 •持續監控商店的顧客服務水準. 為需要的員工提供指導和諮詢以提高顧客服務技能 3.營運零售管理 •為保健及處方藥品等商品維護適當的庫存控制和管理系統,例如訂購、PLU 解鎖、商品銷售和損耗管理. •與其他員工和供應鏈合作,確保所有保健商品有充足的庫存 •與員工一起做好處方藥商品和其他保健商品效期管理. •確保正確執行所有藥局廣告和促銷活動. •確保藥局的所有盤點工作都得到正確及準確的執行. •確保陳列的正確展示和銷售. •遵守管理階層制定的所有政策和標準操作程序. •將管理階層的所有指示傳達給您的員工,並確保其正確執行 4.業務管理 •負責實踐保健商品銷售目標和指定的其他目標 •提交管理階層要求的周報、月報和其他文件 •出席並積極參與藥局管理會議 •通過減少費用(例如文具)、控制浪費和降低盤虧率來控制營運成本. 5.人員管理 •向員工傳達和執行所有公司政策和法規 •確保員工穿著得體並符合屈臣氏的儀容標準 •為員工提供培訓和指導,幫助他們提高技能和知識,在工作中表現良好 •對不遵守規定和標準的員工進行紀律處分和建議 •為員工進行績效評估 •營造愉快的環境,促進團隊合作,為我們的顧客創造卓越的購物體驗 6.其它職掌 •執行管理階層交辦的病患護理專案 •每周向班表團隊提交員工班表 •申請調劑藥物所需包材 •訂購印表機感光鼓和碳粉 •參與和支持與健康相關的活動,並為屈臣氏藥局提升品牌知名度 •執行管理階層分配的其它職責,例如分發FIT套件、D-Care 材料
  • 台灣屈臣氏個人用品商店股份有限公司-使用1111轉職專區 https://central1111.com.tw/turn/

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  • QA Manager

  • 企業名 Abatek(Asia) Public Company Limited
  • 工作地點 東南亞新加坡
  • 薪資 月薪61000~80000元
  • 工作內容 Key responsibilities: - Close all customer queries and complaint ASAP with preventive actions taken for ALL exposed products - Plan, lead and release system acceptance testing, collaborating for development with product managers and vendors to create and execute test plans and test cases. - Review requirements and provide feedback on completeness, test ability and other risk areas that could impact product quality including conducting meetings with product development teams to arrive at conclusive resolution. - Define, implement and manage the company‘s quality assurance processes, testing methodologies, and supporting tools. Identify, replicate, document, prioritize and track issues to closure using issue tracking systems. - Produce quality metrics, testing results and other reports for all levels of management. - support customer service process, create engaged customers and facilitate organic growth by taking ownership of customers issues and follow through problems to resolution based on planning activity. - Ensure production plans are met, order confirmation is done on a timely manner and delivery performances are measured and communicated effectively. Take necessary action to close any delivery GAP which can affect customers LINE and avoid any LINE down issues with customers. - Take necessary action to improve the planning process to avoid over production resulting in obsolete parts or material. - Built in robust process control system utilizing visual management to detect and improve the overall speed of decision making and completing the job based on plan. Update and improve information to CS and customer to avoid any escalation related to order. - Take leadership in all customers‘ orders and ensure planning is executed, capacity holding and loading is done, propose action to achieve those plans and recommend to superior on increasing 4M to support orders.as appropriate and ensure customers‘ needs are well taken care of. - Responsible to determine the quality of incoming material, in-process material, final produced material with quality assurance process. - Conduct PDCA activities with people in Genba to stop making rejects, stop sending rejects, and stop receiving rejects, by utilizing all tools from LEAN and create a ROBUST process to ensure ZQC are achieved at each process. - Establish, implement and maintain the Quality/Environmental Standard/other system to comply with ISO9001, IATF16949, ISO14001 and ISO45001 dynamically. - Conduct Genba audit/ Layer audit . Make recommendations to change to ensure products produced in ABATEK are in compliance with the Internal established system. - Responsible to coordinate to the concerned personnel regarding PPAP, FMEA, APQP activities for the new product. - Responsible for controlling the rejects on daily basis by applying 6sigma, MSA, 4M, RCA, Fishbone and 5Why analysis. - Initiate and manage all corrective and preventive action activities including customer complaint handling and the initial action to prevent the occurrence of any non-conformities relating to quality system as well as verification of the implementation of agreed and approved solution. - Control further processing and delivery of nonconforming product until the deficiency or unsatisfactory condition has been corrected. - Support and take part of supplier evaluation and development and responsible for maintaining the lowest cost of quality. - Take all necessary action to build the 2nd level of people, train all members to ensure business continuity. - Update material requirement and ensure material is prepared to support orders. - We expect you to ensure work in a way to prevent Customer complaint on any delivery or non conformity / observation during audit conducted by customers or externals. In the event it happen it must be resolved in most expedite manners together with preventive measure taken asap to avoid same problem relating to all risk product / process in least cost for abatek even though the customer / auditor allow Required experience: Required experiences in below areas (as indicated below): - At least 5 years’ experience at a management level or higher in an Automotive company with silicone and rubber operations for Electronics and Assembly products or other equivalent experience. - Sound experience for at least 1 year working in mold and die manufacturing. - Broad experience in Customer Service in a manufacturing setup. - At least 5 years’ experience working in a company with ISO 9001 and / or IATF 16949 / ISO 14001/ ISO 45001 Quality System. - At least 5 years’ experience working in a company with KAIZEN, 5S, LEAN and 6 Sigma System. - Exposure in VDA 6.3 standard. Skills: - Silicone and rubber manufacturing processes and systems. - Drawing technical such as AutoCAD, 2D, 3D, CAM etc. - FMEA, MSA, SPC, APQP, PPAP. - Ability to implement related system used to determine the quality of incoming material, in-process, final quality control and quality assurance to ensure that all produced products meet the customer requirement. - Measurement methodologies. - Customer Service. - ISO14001 and ISO 45001. - Ability to implement and initiate necessary action to prevent the occurrence of any non-conformities relating to the quality system.
  • Abatek(Asia) Public Company Limited-使用1111轉職專區 https://central1111.com.tw/turn/

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