
  • ○台北店-士林★居家家事服務員★月薪$33,500元~$38,900元 面試心得

  • 企業名 媽咪樂居家服務集團
  • 工作地點 台北市士林區
  • 薪資 月薪33500~38900元
  • 工作內容 厭倦了無趣的工作?來試試我們的清潔達人職缺吧! 在這裡,你可以輕鬆賺錢,同時擁有兼顧家庭的工作時間,還能享受各種福利待遇! 工作內容:居家清潔打掃、簡易物品收納、衣物整理歸放 工作時間: 08:00 ~ 16:30 休假制度:比照公家機關見紅休、週休二日 超棒福利:勞健保、勞退 6%、特休假 我們需要你具備這些: 1.自備機車與駕照:到府居家清潔服務,這是基本哦! 2.手機網速吃到飽:使用我們的管家專屬APP,手機定位打卡、查班表就是這麼簡單! 3.Google地圖達人:準時且安全地抵達客戶家,地圖高手就是你! 4.Line軟體高手:拍照、攝影、培訓課程、教育訓練,Line是你的好夥伴! 為什麼選擇我們? 日班服務,工作7小時、友善的工作環境,讓你開心工作、穩定收入,輕鬆實現小目標 想加入嗎?快來填寫預約表單吧! 填寫預約表單:https://reurl.cc/r9kEnO 想了解更多?加入我們的官方Line@,Line ID:@269obqvp 連結:https://lin.ee/Do0yAdd 快來成為我們的一員,讓我們一起打造乾淨舒適的居家環境吧!
  • 媽咪樂居家服務集團-使用1111轉職專區 https://central1111.com.tw/turn/

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  • 【暑假打工】【時薪$200元起】內外場兼職夥伴 Sarabeth‘s 紐約早餐女王 台北天母SOGO店 面試心得

  • 企業名 金田餐飲股份有限公司
  • 工作地點 台北市士林區
  • 薪資 時薪200~0元
  • 工作內容 ⭕【暑假打工】彈性排班:每日4-8小時起,每週排班需至少3-5天起。 ❮工作內容❯ 外場兼職夥伴▸ 1. 提供顧客100%的貼心餐飲服務。 2. 點餐、送餐、收桌、收銀。 3. 簡易飲料調配。 4. 餐廳環境清潔與維護。 內場兼職夥伴▸ 1. 遵照標準流程製作餐點,包含備料準備、出餐、洗碗。 2. 遵守衛生安全標準規範。 3. 環境清潔與維護。 ❮金田福利❯ 1. 享勞保、健保、勞退金提撥。 2. 享全勤獎金、月績效獎金、假日業績達成獎金。 3. 享年終獎金、年節禮金(券)。 4. 享生日禮券1000元、生日假、生日派對。 5. 享免費員工餐食。 6. 享金田餐飲品牌用餐八折優惠(限平日,無次數限制)。
  • 金田餐飲股份有限公司-使用1111轉職專區 https://central1111.com.tw/turn/

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  • 士林區/日夜班保全

  • 企業名 鼎翰保全股份有限公司
  • 工作地點 台北市士林區
  • 薪資 時薪200~0元
  • 工作內容 保全人員/警衛 1負責門禁管制、車輛出入指揮、巡邏、防竊及竊盜等安全維護工作 2收發文件及特定處所監視,維持公共安全,減少火災、竊盜或其他危險 3控制照明、取暖、空氣調節及通風等設備 4社區安全維護管理、保障客戶生命和財產安全 薪資計算方式以每月212工時原則
  • 鼎翰保全股份有限公司-使用1111轉職專區 https://central1111.com.tw/turn/

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  • IT Technician

  • 企業名 台北美國學校
  • 工作地點 台北市士林區
  • 薪資 時薪200~0元
  • 工作內容 Job Summary: The primary role of the IT Support Technician is to be responsible for performing tasks related to the repair, maintenance and testing of school owned portable assets i.e. laptops and iPads. The position will play a key role to ensure the success of the support team and ensure uniformity of service delivery in the day to day operations that facilitate the use of laptops to enhance instruction, student learning and administrative operations. Key Responsibilities: - Supports the preventative maintenance program (documents in database) on the various laptop/mobile device pools to ensure system integrity and performance optimization. - Tests, installs, deploys, updates and maintains software utilized for the various laptop/iPad pools – a test-bed is to be maintained. - Maintains asset database for all TAS owned laptops documenting technical tasks, repairs and provides feedback to the IT team. - Supports the creation, documentation, testing and maintenance of master images for TAS owned laptops (driven by Teaching & Learning needs). - Collaborates with Helpdesk teams, IT support staff, IT coordinators and IT assistants to ensure that reliable systems are maintained. Selection criteria: - College or university graduated (IT related degree preferred) - Four years successful work experience; two years’ experience in the service, maintenance and repair of windows, and /or Apple/PC and/or Mobile devices - English and Mandarin fluency at an advanced level required - Windows and/or Microsoft certifications preferred - Knowledge of Windows, Apple OS X, Linux and iOS operating systems. - Knowledge of current trends in hard disk image, App and patch deployment - Ability to use good judgment independently - Keen sense of responsibility - Ability to organize and analyze complex tasks in a systematic manner - Planning, organizational, problem-solving and time-management skills - Ability to multitask and work in an environment with frequent interruptions - Ability to self-educate when formal instruction is not available - Willingness to work additional hours - Ability to communicate effectively with staff at all levels in both oral and written communications - Strong customer service orientation. Ability to work independently on assigned responsibilities - Ability to work in a dynamic team - Demonstrate flexibility and willingness Work schedule 07:15 AM to 16:15 PM, Monday – Friday, inclusive of a 1 hour lunch break
  • 台北美國學校-使用1111轉職專區 https://central1111.com.tw/turn/

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  • ITAV Assistant

  • 企業名 台北美國學校
  • 工作地點 台北市士林區
  • 薪資 時薪200~0元
  • 工作內容 Job Summary: The primary role of the IT/AV Assistant is to ensure uniformity of service delivery in the day to day operations that facilitate the use of IT/AV equipment to enhance instruction and student learning. This position will play a key role in performing tasks related to the setup, distribution, repair, maintenance, and testing of IT/AV-related equipment. In addition, the position will play an active role in supporting teachers and students with their daily utilization of all AV/IT resources to support teaching and learning. Key Responsibilities: - Receive and handle requests for support following agreed procedures. Respond to requests for support by providing information to enable incident resolution and promptly allocate unresolved calls as appropriate. Maintain records and advise relevant persons of actions taken. - Install or remove AV devices using supplied instructions and tools conducting tests, correcting malfunctions, and documenting results in accordance with agreed procedures. Provide assistance to users in a professional manner following agreed procedures for further help or escalation and contribute to the development of installation procedures and standards. - Receive and handle requests for the setting up, operating, editing and processing of events (including studio operations) using a range of specialist AV hardware and software. - Supports the tracking, issuing and maintenance of all AV equipment utilizing the peripheral and asset database. - In collaboration with the IT/AV team (there are two additional full time members) provides school wide classroom support for all AV/IT resources. - Supports the preventative maintenance program (documents in database) of all AV/IT resources to ensure system integrity and performance optimization (batteries, signage, replacement parts etc). - Assists in processing, editing, producing, and archiving audiovisual material using a range of digital tools and software. - Undertake commissioning of new technical areas including specialist AV and IT equipment, control systems, and audio induction loops. - Communicate effectively with clients, team members and colleagues across the school. - Take responsibility for own workload and keep others informed, highlighting potential problems and suggesting solutions to ensure continuity of service delivery. - Tracks all updates and all support cases utilizing the school’s ticket tracking system. - Other duties as required from time to time.
  • 台北美國學校-使用1111轉職專區 https://central1111.com.tw/turn/

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  • 行銷助理

  • 企業名 清眼堂企業有限公司
  • 工作地點 台北市士林區
  • 薪資 月薪32000~37000元
  • 工作內容 1. 文案企劃製作 2. 社群管理 3. 品牌陳列物、輔銷品管理 4. 與供應商的溝通聯繫 5. 平台管理維護 6. 協助通路發展及執行專案活動 7. 其他主管交辦事項
  • 清眼堂企業有限公司-使用1111轉職專區 https://central1111.com.tw/turn/

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  • 【保障年薪13個月+獎金】(天母店)美容師/資深美療師,平日彈性7點半下班,月休8~9天.

  • 企業名 費思特國際美容有限公司
  • 工作地點 台北市士林區
  • 薪資 月薪33000~80000元
  • 工作內容 *月休8~9天(國定假日另外排休) *週一至週五彈性上班時間10:00~19:30 *週六10:00~20:00/週日9:00~19:00 *彈性工時特殊節日17:30下班,春節國定假日休假,滿半年享特休假 *高保障薪,獎金另計: 月薪30000元~36000元(薪資因個人職級和技術能力而異) *月薪+優渥獎金+年終一個月 ~百萬年薪不是夢,月領高薪築夢想~ 工作內容: 1.門市接待:電話接聽、預約諮詢、客戶預約登記、客戶禮儀接待。 2.課程操作:為客戶美容美體保養、精油芳療、壓力抒解及養生保健等服務及儀器操作等課程事項。 3.課程產品銷售:提供課程或產品銷售服務。 4.客戶開發:配合公司活動作為新客戶開發依據、舊客戶維繫及電訪、配合推廣店內各項活動。 5.店長交辦事項。 *具沙龍經驗一年以上。 *開朗親切、應對態度佳、具服務熱忱及企圖心向高薪挑戰者。 *特殊上班時間需求者可另議 *具規模連鎖spa店經驗者佳 *外縣市者,住宿可提供申請 福利: *提供勞健保/6%勞退/年度休假 *店內聚餐 /員工旅遊/生日禮/週年禮/婚、喪禮金/三節禮金 *免費新進員工教育、每月在職教育 *提供順暢的晉升管道
  • 費思特國際美容有限公司-使用1111轉職專區 https://central1111.com.tw/turn/

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