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  • 國際頂級度假飯店 飯店前台組長


  • 企業名 博賢人力資源有限公司
  • 工作地點 東北亞韓國
  • 薪資 年薪820000~0元
  • 工作內容 1. 負責協助賓客辦理飯店入住與退房登記手續 2. 負責櫃台帳務處理 3. 負責協助登記與更新賓客會員卡紀錄 4. 與各部門進行溝通合作 5. 提供賓客高服務品質 6. 解決處理賓客問題 7. 協助安排賓客接送機服務 8. 隨時注意班機資訊並即時反饋
  • 博賢人力資源有限公司-使用1111轉職專區 https://central1111.com.tw/turn/

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  • Training Manager, Human Resources

  • 企業名 博賢人力資源有限公司
  • 工作地點 東北亞韓國
  • 薪資 年薪820000~0元
  • 工作內容 1. Design, plan, implement, and facilitate training programs that will enhance the workforce’s effectiveness and skills development 2. Identify the training needs of the business and the operations in order to cater the training requirements of each particular department’s demands 3. Prepare all necessary training materials, budget, and programs and ensure that all training programs are updated, accurate, and effective 4. Conducts and facilitates new hire orientation programs 5. Conducts and facilitates leadership development programs 6. Employee learning and development and implementation of new company policies 7. Ensures that all training goals and targets are met within the given timeframe
  • 博賢人力資源有限公司-使用1111轉職專區 https://central1111.com.tw/turn/

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  • Wafer transfer robots engineer

  • 企業名 S2 GLOBAL
  • 工作地點 東北亞韓國
  • 薪資 年薪820000~0元
  • 工作內容 Job description - Support for repair and customer service - Upgrade and retrofit wafer transfer robots - Localization of Wafer Transfer Robot Parts Requirement - Requires KAWASAKI Wafer Transfer Robot repair skills or experience. - In order to obtain a Korean work visa, you must meet at least one of the following seven conditions. Academic background & Experience: 1. Master‘s degree or higher outside Korea (related major) 2. Bachelor‘s degree outside Korea (related major) + at least 1 year of related experience 3. Bachelor‘s degree outside Korea (not a related major) + at least 3 years of related experience 4. Bachelor‘s degree in Korea (related major) 5. Associate degree in Korea (related Major) 6. A associate degree outside Korea (not a related major) + at least 5 years of related experience 7. High school graduation + 5 years or more related experience *Related major: Electrical(engineering), Electronic(engineering), Mechanical, Robot, Semiconductor, etc *The related experience must be demonstrated through a career certificate. Pay Will pay the salary by KRW. Over KRW 2,800,000 per month.
  • S2 GLOBAL-使用1111轉職專區 https://central1111.com.tw/turn/

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  • [Garmin Korea] Marketing Community Manager 面試心得

  • 企業名 GARMIN 台灣國際航電股份有限公司
  • 工作地點 東北亞韓國
  • 薪資 年薪820000~0元
  • 工作內容 Hi, we are Garmin Korea. The Marketing Community Manager(Sports Specialist) plays a crucial role in establishing positive relationships between the brand and sports communities such as cycling, golf and diving. This position requires a deep understanding of these sports and the ability to leverage this knowledge to develop community engagement initiatives, events and collaborate with key opinion leaders (KOLs). Welcome to join Garmin Korea, expand your career in Seoul!! 【Responsibilities】 1. Community Engagement : - Develop and implement interaction strategies with cycling, running, golf, and diving communities to enhance brand visibility and engagement. - Engage with community members on social media platforms and facilitate discussions to maintain a positive brand image. - Establish close connections with key community members, KOLs, and brand advocates to drive brand messaging and community participation. 2. Event Coordination : - Organize and participate in events related to cycling, running, golf, and diving, including races, experiential actives, and training courses. - Collaborate with community organizations, clubs, and venues to ensure smooth event execution and increased participation. 3. KOL Management : - Manage KOLs in the fields of cycling, running, golf, and diving, building partnerships with them to promote the brand and products. - Utilize the influence and expertise of KOLs to expand the brand‘s audience and enhance its reputation and trustworthiness. 4. Next Product Launch Plan : - Provide insights into the needs and trends of cycling, running, golf, and diving enthusiasts to develop new product launch plans. - Work closely with the community during new product launches, organizing special events or campaigns to attract the target audience‘s attention. 5. Partnerships with Other Brands : - Explore partnership opportunities with other relevant brands, such as sports equipment suppliers, sports service products, etc., to expand brand influence and market share. - Negotiate and establish strategic partnerships to co-host events, conduct promotional activities, etc, to enhance the exposure and value of both brands. 【Requirements】 - Deep understanding of cycling, running, golf, and diving sports, with active participation and experience in relevant communities. - Relevant work experience in communications, or related fields, with excellent communication and interpersonal skills. - Ability to organize and coordinate events effectively, and establish good working relationships with stakeholders at various levels. - Prior experience in KOL management and collaboration is preferred. - Willingness to actively engage in work, with a team-oriented spirit and the ability to proactively solve problems. - Ability to juggle multiple priorities to meet deadlines in a dynamic environment. - Good interpersonal and communication skill to pitch ideas and drive alignment with cross functions ; Good level of English (both listening and speaking) language proficiency.
  • GARMIN 台灣國際航電股份有限公司-使用1111轉職專區 https://central1111.com.tw/turn/

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  • (Korea) Sr. Field Application Engineer – Automotive Ethernet

  • 企業名 瑞昱半導體股份有限公司
  • 工作地點 東北亞韓國
  • 薪資 月薪50000~55000元
  • 工作內容 Job Description: 1. Locate in Seoul, Korea. 2. Provide pre-sales and post-sales support. 3. Understand customer requirements, and deliver technical presentations, reports, documents, and technology demonstrations. 4. Support customer product development and design. 5. Support customer issue analysis and resolution. 6. On-site support for debugging or certification tests. 7. Cross-functional collaboration with Realtek internal resources. Education, Skills, Abilities, And Experience Required: • M.S. or B.S. in Electrical Engineering or equivalent. • Fluent in Korean language verbally and in written. • 3 to 5 years of progressive professional technical experience in IC design or related areas, direct experience in IC design house FAE is preferred. • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills. • Strong written/verbal communication and negotiation skills. • SoC/MCU FW programming skill is a plus • Tool SW utility experience is a plus • Being proactive and willing to take initiative. • Ability to work independently to achieve goals. • Ability to understand and explain technical issues and solutions to technical and non-technical personnel. • Medium or higher English skills. • Familiarity with Ethernet protocols will be a plus. • Familiarity with the Automotive ecosystem will be a plus. • Basic or higher Chinese skills will be a plus. • Experience of Linux will be a plus Industry: Automotive Ethernet, Semiconductor Job Functions: Engineering, Business Development
  • 瑞昱半導體股份有限公司-使用1111轉職專區 https://central1111.com.tw/turn/

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  • 【韓國濟州五星級酒店】前台主任

  • 企業名 博賢人力資源有限公司
  • 工作地點 東北亞韓國
  • 薪資 月薪69000元 以上
  • 工作內容 ■工作內容: 1. 負責協助賓客辦理酒店入住與退房登記手續 2. 負責櫃台帳務處理 3. 負責協助登記與更新賓客會員卡紀錄 4. 與各部門進行溝通合作 5. 提供賓客高服務品質 6. 解決處理賓客問題 7. 協助安排賓客接送機服務 8. 隨時注意班機資訊並即時反饋 Job Description: - Check in and out - Billing - Register, update membership - Communicate with other departments - Provide high quality customer service - Handle guest’s inquiries - Greet and escort guest in airport/lobby - Well award on flight status and react ■公司福利: 1. 入職機票 2. 周休2日,年假視服務月數(滿一個月一天),全年15天國定假日 3. 供工作餐,政府法定保險(含醫療) 4. 員工折扣(餐廳20% off、購物街10% off、住房50% off) 5. 一年12晚全球連鎖酒店免費住房福利 6. 親友住房折扣 7. 教育訓練(新人入職、部門培訓、語言培訓、公司社團活動) 8. 員工餐聚、團建、生日會、下午茶 9. 年終獎金及績效獎金 10. 每月/每半年/每年度優秀員工獎金 11. 優秀員工免費咖啡、點心等特別福利 ※ 以上依雇主、南韓勞動法令最新公布為準
  • 博賢人力資源有限公司-使用1111轉職專區 https://central1111.com.tw/turn/

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  • 知名度假酒店 餐飲服務主任


  • 企業名 博賢人力資源有限公司
  • 工作地點 東北亞韓國
  • 薪資 月薪69000元 以上
  • 工作內容 1. 接待顧客:熱情地迎接顧客,引導他們到座位,提供菜單等服務。 2. 點餐:詢問顧客的需求,協助他們選擇菜單中的食物和飲品,並提供相關建議。 3. 送餐:將點好的餐點送到顧客座位上,確保準確無誤。 4. 服務協助:根據顧客的需求提供餐具、餐巾紙、調味品等,處理顧客的特殊要求和投訴。 5. 維持整潔:保持餐廳環境的清潔和整潔,包括桌面、座椅、地板等的清理。 ■職缺條件: 1. 熱情友善:擁有良好的服務態度,能夠與顧客溝通互動,並處理各種顧客需求和問題。 2. 團隊合作:能夠與團隊成員合作,協調工作,確保順暢的服務流程。 3. 體力和耐力:餐飲服務工作通常需要長時間站立和行走,有時也需要處理繁忙的工作環境和高壓情況。 4. 多任務處理:具備良好的時間管理和組織能力,能夠同時處理多項任務,保持工作效率。 5. 良好的溝通技巧:具備清晰的口語表達能力,能夠有效地與顧客和同事溝通。 6. 餐飲知識:對食物和飲品有基本的了解,能夠提供顧客有關菜單和飲品的資訊。
  • 博賢人力資源有限公司-使用1111轉職專區 https://central1111.com.tw/turn/

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  • ★韓國濟州島知名綜合娛樂度假村★誠徵會籍前台專員

  • 企業名 博賢人力資源有限公司
  • 工作地點 東北亞韓國
  • 薪資 月薪69000元 以上
  • 工作內容 1.櫃檯註冊新會員維護現有帳戶 2.回答客人關於俱樂部和度假村的相關問題 3.執行會員福利兌換,根據俱樂部政策和程序發放免費禮品,告知會員他們的福利 4.在系統中輸入和更新成員的信息 5.執行會員福利兌換以及發放免費物品和促銷優惠 6.了解並了解度假村的所有設施和服務 7.協助並履行主管指派的職責 8.日文中等以上優先 申請者須符合韓國專業工簽申請要求: ※韓國專業工簽要求: 1. 碩士學位 2. 相關大學科系+1年相關工作經驗 3. 不相關大學科系+3年相關工作經驗 4. 非大學學歷+5年相關工作經驗 相關科系: Marketing/Business Administration/Public Relations, etc.) 相關工作經驗: Marketing related/Hotel Guest Service related/Front Desk Officer/Reservation Department/ Welcome Ambassador/ Hotel Butler etc.)
  • 博賢人力資源有限公司-使用1111轉職專區 https://central1111.com.tw/turn/

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